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Everything posted by Mattkx4

  1. Yeah, whoops. I meant to say I would turn at 10km I was a little silly that night and stressed out lol. Thanks for the info about how to get into orbit! I might have gotten a little carried away with the mission report, but hey, I was pumped. - - - Updated - - - As I responded to Pecan, I was little giddy that night. I meant to write 10km... It's just a zero after all... I mean what is a zero? Nothing, right? Thanks for the response!
  2. These are very good points. And there's a good chance I was extremely wasteful. Honestly, I was just trying to get there and get home And interesting thing with landing... The first time I tried to land on Minmus, my craft tipped over. I actually fixed this by EVAing and slamming into my craft (with the jetpack) at fast speeds until it turned over Troubleshootin' y'know
  3. Thanks so much! The picture really helped! I'll reply back when I get Jeb and my science back home safely
  4. I wasn't planning on returning the capsule. I was just gonna take the science and get Jeb the heck outta there I've practiced a lot with the EVA controls and everything so that isn't a problem. The only thing I have an issue with is getting there and getting little Jeb back
  5. Alright, so I'm playing in "Science" mode. Although, being the noob I am, I bumped the Science percentage to 500% (I just started a few days ago...) I successfully designed a Minmus Lander (based off a tutorial mind you) and it got to Minmus. The sad part is, I didn't have enough fuel to get to home from Minmus and I barely had enough fuel to land (my engine blew up on impact because I was going to fast). So, now I have Jebediah Kerman and butt-load of science stranded on Minmus. I can't just leave all that there... That's where I need help. I need to be able to make a spacecraft that can hold at least 2 Kerbal's and has plenty of fuel for me to get to and from Minmus. The only 2+ landing pod I have is the Mk1-2 and that's so damn heavy that it's almost impossible for me to use. I tried sticking a unmanned command pod on top of a Mk1 pod (without a crew in it), but I ended up running out of electricity... I'm really stuck guys. If you can help me with a design of some sort it'd be greatly appreciated! I wanna continue learning this game, but I'm kind of stuck Thanks, Mattkx4 MISSION SUCCESSFUL!!! I can't believe it! I'm proud to say that our rescue mission was a success! After hours of work, here's a summary of how the mission went! Hour One: Design the Rocket. I guarantee you that I would not have been able to design an appropriate rocket, had it not been for @Pecan ! He gave me an amazing design for a Mindmus Lander. The problem I was having in designing my own rocket, was I was trying to put more fuel underneath the rocket. And the only way to do that was a larger fuel tank which in turn gave the rocket to much mass when it came to my lower stage (with an lv909). But @Pecan nailed the design by attaching two smaller fuel tanks radially. I added a few extra things like a battery and some nose cones (just because I felt like it ), but for the most part I followed the design. I'm sure this design is very common, but I ain't no Rocket Scientist or Engineer so I wouldn't know Hour Two: Get into Kerbin Orbit... This proved a wee bit difficult. I was still trying to follow and make a 45 degree turn once I hit 100 kilometers up. Now, I know (thanks to @armagheddonsgw) that I can pull it off at ~75km. And since I'm a noob Astronaut (yep I can call myself an Astronaut now), I had troubles getting the Kerbin Orbit right. Eventually got it though.Hour Three: Get into Mindmus Orbit. This took me a while because I was having troubles finding Mindmus After a great many maneuver nodes, I finally found one. Then after searching a little bit more, I found an encounter that only required me to increase the prograde and not have to elevate my trajectory with another node. Hour Four: Getting Landing Near Crotus Ten. By the way, all my space missions in this "Science" mode are named Crotus One/Two/Three/etc. Crotus is the Roman god of strength so I thought it would be cool. Anyway, Crotus Ten was the rocket with Jeb that got stranded on Mindmus. So I was trying to get my landing within 30km of the landing site. After a few quicksave loads I figured that 30km was a little far for a novice space jumper like me, so I did a little jump with my spacecraft and got it within 10km of the Crotus Ten landing site. From there, I EVAed no problem. I thought about @DeMatt 's suggestion with EVAing Jeb into Mindmus orbit and picking him up there, but even though I'm confident in my skills, I didn't wanna have to rely on them for this mission Thanks for the suggestion though, I'll definitely remember that I can do that. A little side joke, you cannot understand the joy I had when Jeb ragdolled and faceslide right past my spacecraft. I thought, "Oh my gosh, this is happening." and then I giggled at how funny Jeb looked when he flops around on the ground like a dead fish. Hour Four and a Half(ish): Getting Crotus Ten - Rescue back to Kerbin. This wasn't too difficult. I simply made a maneuver node and increased the prograde (I think) until it escaped Mindmus. Then I fine tuned it until the orbit took me about 20km above Kerbin's surface. Basic re-entering stuff. No big problems there Finally: In the end, I recovered some 3,000 science (remember, I'm a cheater and I bumped up the science percentage to 500%). This got me pretty much the rest of my Science tree unlocked. I have like 5 more things I need to get. So mission success! I decided to commemorate the moment with a screenshot once I landed in the ocean. Here it is: Note that Jebediah Kerman is sitting nicely in his command pod You can see a picture of the Crotus Ten - Rescue HERE. Turned out to be a pretty spacecraft. (I corrected the staging before launch. I forgot to do it in spacecraft construction.) THANK YOU!!!! I'd like to do a huge shout out to everyone who helped me in my rescue mission! I'm taking this game seriously, and you just helped me advance my career Thanks so so much everyone! Quick responses are a huge plus on the forum! If it wasn't for you guys helping me out, I would've given up on Jebediah and probably have quit KSP. Stay classy everyone, Mattkx4
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