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  • About me
    Test Pilot
  • Location
    Earth, Earth-Moon System, Solar System, Milkyway, Local Group, Virgo Supercluster, Observable Universe
  • Interests
    Astrophysics, Cosmology, Physics, Astronomy, and Aerospace Engineering

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  1. I remember that the first thing I did was after I finished the tutorials, I went into sandbox mode and just experimented. I recommend starting off by attempting to get into a suborbital flight with a rocket of your own design or try to recreate some things that the tutorial section showed you, simple missions. If it fails, try to figure out what went wrong and improve it. If you are having trouble doing something on your own then go check out some up to date tutorials. I would recommend Scott Manley, he not only explains game mechanics but he also relates in-game events to real science but sometimes he gets really sciencey in some of his tutorials which might confuse you. As some other people already said, career mode might also be a good way to start off because you begin with very few parts and eventually unlock more and this way you learn to not make crazy rockets since you have to be mindful of your resources. Career mode also provides you with contracts which give you different missions so you have a goal, something to work towards instead of just wondering what to do and blowing rockets up. Good luck!
  2. I do not know what causes this glitch, but if you are using other mods which require module manager I think deleting the other files that module manager creates(e.g. ModuleManager.physics/ModuleManager.ConfigCache) fixes it. Edit: Never mind, after a while it happened again. I will reinstall KSP and my mods. The glitch is just the mod itself, I tried it on a clean install and it still persists. We just have to wait until it is updated or until someone manages to eliminate the glitch by fixing up the code.
  3. I'd like to change my name to Spacebug300 I made this profile a year ago, my preference for a forum name has changed
  4. First double check that none of your lift surfaces are inverted (obviously) and keep in mind that, when you tweak scale parts they might break physics especially when we are talking about rescaling wings.
  5. um some of the engines want liquid fuel and the others want liquid hydrogen from the same cryogenic engines pack. any help or is it meant to be like that?
  6. it appears that when i start up kip it says that the mod is incompatible but when I'm in game i can open my inventory detach attach grab and all but it just tells me that the mod is incompatible when it still works. kip version 1.0.1
  7. Yeah thats pretty cool! But I want to give a tip, if you want to see the LOL face you can also use the SCANsat mod and before I watched this video I actually never knew it was an easter egg I thought that it was just a glitch.
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