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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. First go at Laythe, and in my chosen spot the glitch capped out at -2705. Hmm.
  2. So the concept was "build a rover you can launch into orbit, then drop into the ocean wherever and putter about." Threw together the Starfish ver. 0.0.01, took it into LKO, and dropped it into the middle of the ocean. Depressingly, as soon as it sank below -999.99m, the surface went all Jool on me and I am now sitting in the middle of the great nothingness. *sigh* I'll have to try a different bit of the sea I guess. Upside, the idea was sound and I did get to drive from KSC to the island base. EDIT - I just noticed that like the other rover-sub, I am slowly sinking (now at -1124m). Hmmmm.
  3. Moderator, delete the thread please. The impression I had was that in the case of the sci-fi lot, being a non-commercial for fun thing, it would more fall into the same general category as fan art? I freely admit I could be wrong, so just in case go ahead and X it. I'll reassemble it with just the countries and do it properly. Cheers.
  4. Okay, the scenario: I have 2 craft in orbit I'm trying to dock together. The first is a "rescue" lander, capable of landing on Eve, retrieving 3 Kerbals, and then returning to orbit. The second is an interplanetary rig (also carrying extra monopropellant for the lander), which is meant to act as a tug to pull the lander to Eve. I have managed to become reasonably capable at establishing/matching orbits, so that I can launch the rig, match orbit with the lander, intersect it, and zip right up to it within a couple of hundred meters no problem. Where it all is falling apart is once I get within 100m. My lander, Ray, is in a slightly tumbling orbit. My big rig Venkman can match it up to a point, but once the two get close enough they continue to close and separate so quickly that by the time I've switched ships, set the autopilot to target, (the docking ports on both ships), and it lines up, the other ship is unaligned and either closing or falling away so rapidly that by the time I've switched ships, set the autopilot to target, and it lines up, the other ship is unaligned and either closing or falling away so rapidly that... and on and on until its a crash or a realign that starts the whole cycle over again. Ray's out of monopropellant and Venkman's still lugging the structurally awkward get-into-orbit stage so it's a bit of a hippo ballet anyways, but... What I'm wondering is, (and apologies if this has come up before; I did a lot of searching and couldn't find a thread or answer anywhere), is there a way, when setting the autopilot on one of my two ships to 'target', to get it to keep autopiloting towards the target once I switch to ship two. If ship one would keep pointing itself towards the docking port of ship two (and Jeb is piloting ship one, the lazy sod) while I was in charge of ship two and telling it to keep pointing itself at the docking port of ship one, poor Bob and co would have already been home from Eve. If it's do-able, how do I do it? And if it isn't do-able, it might be worth sticking into a future update maybe?
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