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    Curious George
  1. hehe, i was pointing out mining cause it's so freaking important to me =) nothing better than the proud when i succesfully attach a new item for my munbase but where's the usage of it?! where's the usage of sending rovers to other planets? where's the usage of building a spacestation? where's the usage of shooting up satellites into orbit? can't feel the impulse why i should make all the stuff which is fun to me personally. eve, ye considered it to play once but seemed way too boring.. like that hard learning curve which ksp is offering - love the physics and so on... also i didnt read anything about plans where this game is going but when u say Kegereneku it's gonna be a tycoon in space it's fine.. just not the direction i was expecting. as i said - was hoping for exploration, harvesting rare ressources to build better stuff, maybe lifeforms for an extraterrestrial zoo or whatever Maybe i raged a bit too hard about that career mode and the stuff i thought it would be there but i totally wasn't expecting a tycoon in space.. anyway, a revolutionary great game and i keep looking for the stuff which makes the game fun to me.
  2. First of all i need to say that i didn't play ksp for a long time cause i was getting rid of always looking for updated mods. A huuuuge thanks for all the great modders out there by the way. Really great work and u made up that stuff which was keeping me playing ksp in early stages of the game. That's why i was so excited about that beta release. NOT what i expected! This game has so much potential and you put so much effort in a stupid career mode?? seriously, why not just keeping it sandbox mode and focus on what's important?! Okay, the Menu is now fantastic! good job! but.... I was pretty sure to see: - Mining facilities (thanks a lot for kethane mod) This is so important to me - Space Station stuff - Scanner to send probes to biomes or androids for luxury ressources (Helium3 or whatever for mining to keep the SpaceStation running/to do more science) - real Science possibilities and not just things like "Fly with the new engine to mun" or "Take a surface example" - space anomalities to discover and more exploration - expanding into other solarsystems - way more new Parts for building up a bases and mining facilities For ... shall i build up a munbase? and how - without the parts for it... dunno if i'm just missing something and didnt look properly enough for it but first view on beta and i was so disappointed. Guess i won't see the stuff i crave for anymore and again i need to look for the right mods to make it interesting. nah, thanks... sorry for bad english - not a native englishman.
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