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Everything posted by ttyler777

  1. Good suggestion. I went to device manager and rolled back my driver. Didn't seem to help, but I'll have to look into it more, maybe get an even older driver. Fallback part shaders are disabled and SM3 Terrain shaders are enabled.
  2. KSP version including Windows, Mac, or Linux, 32 or 64-bit, and if it's Steam Windows, 32 bit, Steam A detailed explanation of what happened and what you were trying to accomplish This is all in a new save in the new career mode from Beta 90. No mods. My textures seem to be broken. First, my reentry texture seems to be broken, my ship turns pink when it's suppose to show the effect. Second, Minmus's textures are gone. Yup, gone. Everything is just black. Third, the textures behind parachutes sometimes go all wanky. The pictures will explain better. I've tried: Uninstalling from steam and deleting my entire KSP folder from \SteamApps\Common\Kerbal Space Program. Validating my files through steam. Updating my graphics drivers Starting a new save (Didn't go and check Minmus, but I get the same reentry effect problem) A screenshot of your craft or any relevant screens http://imgur.com/a/2cs2b (Didn't realise how some of the pictures were not that great, I'll post some more if needed) A .craft file or save files if relevant Not relevant The ouput_log.txt or player.log file KSP creates when it launches and, if applicable, the crash log KSP has generated when the program crashed https://drive.google.com/a/my.fit.edu/file/d/0B-Frf-QEqvIxeFhFTmk0Zng2Rmc/view?usp=sharing (Let me know if that doesn't work, I'll upload it somewhere else) A detailed list of system specifications Well, my specs are in the log file, but: Windows 7 Pro 64-bit Intel core I5 3.3 Quad core 16 GB of ram NVIDIA Geforce GTX 760
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