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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I'm trying to recreate some of the early US/Russian missions. I've gotten Sputnik 1/2 and Explorer 1 in orbit. My next phase is to move onto some moon probes. Historically, these missions do not go into Earth orbit, but launch and go straight at the moon. After a few tries, I realize that I have no clue how to calculate my launches to do this. I've always gone into LEO, and then simply fiddled with maneuver nodes to get the transfer I wanted. Any clues on how to do it straight from launchpad to mun/moon?
  2. Hi Guys. Don't post much, but I thought you could check out what I've been working on the last few days. Was starting a Mun colonization mission when this song came on Pandora and I got inspired to try my hand at a video edit. Happy to answer any questions or receive feedback if there is any. You might notice some small ship-design inconsistencies.. Let's just say it took quite a few attempts at getting the landing right Make sure to go 1080p and full screen
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