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Everything posted by tomasan

  1. Hello everyone, I didn't know where to put my question, and maybe the problem come from ATM. I have the same issue than kerbMav. ATM crashes ksp each time near evedetail1 (a 8x8 px image). I even tried with editing this image and resave with photoshop. Before the crash, when i look what's going on, ksp get 89% of the process, and near 3.5 Go Ram. After a crash, when i open the dump folder of ATM, i find the images files (evedetail1 included), but when i relaunch the game, ATM restart from zero the work in the boulderco folder. I use ksp32, W8 64, 8Go memory, and some heavy mods (B9, near future complete but engines, and astronomer's interstellar). I prevously launched ATM, and B9 alone. It worked like a charm. And now, the B9 image are loading very fast. Is there anything to do with the config of ATM? Maybe the boulderco file to edit? I'll try other thing this evening (i didn't noticed, but maybe the problem come from the next images). Anyway, i can run ksp with opengl and without ATM (and take 3-4 minutes to load), and obviously the game is out memory without opengl.
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