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Everything posted by 8472

  1. My problem is that on Kerbin I can't seem to dock anything. Like it will dock, but the fuel crossfeed will not work, and it will be on a different level. Also, what I am kind of looking for is ideas on how to get a base to the Mun without infinite fuel (I'm also really nooby lol, I have only landed on the Mun once but I think I can do it again).
  2. So I am trying to make a base on the surface of the Mun. I am not using infinite fuel, but I'm in sandbox mode so I have infinite funds. It needs mining drills, and solar panels (duh), also maybe some sciency stuff. Any suggestions?
  3. Wow XD. How did you make that track?
  4. Unfortunately it took me 2 years to get there so I can't revert lol. Indeed I'm in sandbox mode sadly. I was just playing around with it and decided why not go to Eve.
  5. Haha. So it's like an asteroid?
  6. I don't have landing legs on it though, and the ion engine isn't good at landings.
  7. My Jeb is mostly just messing around with space planes (although he still does some flights). He loves it.
  8. Just the ion powered space probe with a bigger fuel tank, some more science stuff (thermometer, seismic thingy, and the negative gravioli detector), and a few solar panels.
  9. Finally got a probe into Eve orbit! First time! Anyone got any suggestions for stuff I can do with the probe?
  10. So today i went to the abandoned airfield, landed a plane, and sent Jeb up to the top of the control tower. First time i have ever done that! (I am a noob )
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