Looks like I found another limitation. I tried to weld a quad LV-N assembly from a 2.5m-to-quad-1.25m adapter and, well, four LV-Ns. The result was strange, and not actually usable as an engine. To find out whether this is possible at all, I took the weld result .cfg and hacked at it, and actually managed to produced a working part, except for one thing: the fairings won't come off, no matter what I do, at most I could get rid of fairing on one of the engines. Other than that, I managed to weld some parts, including one quite similar to the tug core posted by WuphonsReach above. It seems that more complicated parts require some .cfg tweaking on the attachment nodes to get them right. On the tug core, I had to add stackSymmetry = 3 to get the quad symmetry working right. On other part, I had to change the order of the node_stack* properties to get the part to attach correctly (I was able to attach it to top and bottom nodes, but not the side node I needed, it would snap but wouldn't connect). It seems that building the part to be welded from scratch in a clean VAB produces much more predictable results than cutting of parts from complete design and welding that. Anyway, with this tool I might finally be able to fly my creations without turning the game into a slideshow, keep up the good work!