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Article Comments posted by PocketBrotector

  1. 7 minutes ago, Kerbart said:

    I might be wrong but didn’t one of the early 1.x versions replenish EVA fuel with monopropellant from the capsule (if any available)? I think the point being to end “EVA pushing,” but the feature got dropped quickly—maybe even with a bugfix release. My memory might be playing tricks on me though.

    I think that this was an intended feature in the extreme early days, which is why command pods contain an amount of monopropellant too small to be useful for docking. I don't remember that it was ever implemented in stock, though.

  2. 49 minutes ago, Zhetaan said:

    That being said, I have not looked too deeply into the legacy system, and so if it turns out that EVA propellant has always been treated as though it had an assumed 5 kg/unit density (whether or not the mass was actually accounted), then I suppose my surprise is borne of ignorance.

    Nah it was massless before. The new system is definitely an improvement.

    Fair point about the density, though I don’t think we’d get realism or consistency regardless... real-world MMUs provided 25 m/s of dv using cold nitrogen gas, while the ones in KSP gave upwards of 600 m/s using their magical propellant.

    I don’t know if the new EVA propellant has an assigned volume value, but if it’s 5L/unit like the other stock fuels then I don’t know where the backpack has room to store 25L of it... best not to look too hard under the hood.

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