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Everything posted by darthrion

  1. y i ment vessel rendering Flare rendering works fine thx for the response, I#m looking forward to the next updates
  2. heyho happy new year everyone today i started building a huuuuuge station (500m diameter) an i ran into the same problem that kerboman25 described on page 13... everything except some stock parts wasn't visible out of physicsrange. so i did some research, starting with googleing the excrements out of that problem (without results except page13 in here) and even reading the source code. i expected to read a path to the squad folder so no mod parts were included but the code seemed okay (except the missing comments ) and i realized that it SHOULD work -.- . So i did some further testing on clean 1.2.2 install with only doe, b9 parts and opt spaceplane parts installed to check for conflicts in my primary install (still 1.1.3). Same problem, nothing except some stock parts visible. While testing i realized that even the stock 3.75m fuel tank wasnt shown, the 2.5m orange tank was, so even some stock parts showed that problem. After comparing the cfg files of both tanks i came to the conclusion that every part that has a mesh defined (e.g.: PART { name = fuelTank3-2 module = Part author = NovaSilisko mesh = model.mu rescaleFactor = 1 ... ) would show up above 2.5km distance, and every part that has the mesh defined only via a MODEL function (e.g.: ... MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/Size3Tanks/Size3LargeTank } ... ) wouldnt show up! Solution for me: i added the mesh definition on a part cfg without it. (e.g.: PART { // --- general parameters --- name = B9_Structure_HX2_A_S1_B module = Part author = bac9 mesh=model_hx_size2_adapter_size1_b.mu // --- asset parameters --- ... ) i left the MODEL function in this file too and ("taadaaa") i can see my huge station now from more 25km getting bigger and bigger what i want to say here: maybe you've never seen those problems with the distant rendering, maybe its just my pc and noone else except kerboman25 and myself experienced this... but if it's possible could you modify your vessel rendering so it uses the MODEL function OR the mesh definition? (would make sense to include both variations). it would be a pain the a** to switch to 1.2.* and modify every part cfg file to make the distant rendering work Edit: After welding the parts for the station i encountered another problem -.- welded parts use a lot of whose MODEL functions with location parameters, so they won't show up whatever i do... i've been looking into your source code again since that and with my almost non existing programming skills i realized that you use a meshlist (i guess ksp creates it on startup?) to get all parts available. I suppose it is possible but harder to get a similar list from the MODEL functions within the part configs? If it is doable, would it be possible too to load parts with mutiple models (especially welded parts?)? It would bring the distant vessel rendering to a whole new level of awesomeness (And if i could ask for a personal favor too, if you can and will do the adjustments i suggested, could you recompile a version for 1.1.3 too? )
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