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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. ahh. ok. i was just talking about the stock parts in the game. i guess they are just unrealistic/unbalanced/broken? thats an answer that makes sense to me. ill check out nova\'s...is that the most realistic parts out there?
  2. ok, i was thinking i could sink my teeth into the drag racing thing...but nope again. i tried anywhere from 1 to 3 srb\'s against a single liquid and a fuel cell. best result for solids was 3 solids firing at once...which came out to about a tie, within a second (hard to measure exactly. didnt seem that amazing to me.
  3. but if srb\'s are a good kickstart, wouldnt liquids be a better kickstart? i just ran a couple quick tests, and it seems to me, SRB\'s are not even better than liquids dollar for dollar. i dont know that space shuttle...is it something i can download, or see the specs and rebuild it in KSP? i can see SRB\'s being useful if you only need one or two to get off the ground...it might be cheaper than going liquid, and if you dont have to spend the money, then dont, i guess. this seems like a very situational purpose though, and for 3 SRB\'s it seems 1 liquid engine and a tank would be far better.
  4. i still dont get it. 'This makes them great for adding that extra initial lift to a liquid rocket that couldn\'t otherwise lift off.' ..but why add solids to get such a craft off the ground if you can just add liquids, which are clearly better? and probably need less of them to boot!
  5. help me out! i cant really see the usefulness of the solid engines. the liquid engines seem to outpeform them big time. ive done a bunch of tests. single booster compared to single liquid engine with fuel. liquid wins. multiple solids versus multiple liquids, liquid wins...i thought maybe it was a mass issue, but even setups that are equal mass for mass the liquids outpeformed solids (by a longshot!) firing engines simultanously or all one at a time didnt seem to help the solids. best setup seemed to be a single liquid engine with a few fuel tanks. what am i missing? can someone show me a specific example of a setup with solid boosters where, if you take them out and replace them with liquid fuel and engines the craft is actually worse? i dont see how that could be. the only thing i can see better about solids is a lower cost, which afaik, doesnt mean anything yet. i know the general idea is that solids are supposed to be better for initial stage to get off the ground, but in practice (at least for me) that doesnt seem to be the case. solid boosters feel like an 80\'s camaro, and liquid engines feel like a high tech F1 race car.
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