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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Well thank you all for the read, you are all very knowledgeable players. Sorry I haven't checked the forum in a few days I have taken everything here into account and I am now able to send almost any contraption into orbit, (Though getting to the Mun without mods / debug remains a feat) before this post I was so naïve. KSP has a great community, in time when I can consider myself an experienced kerbal I plan to help out a rookie Once again thank you everyone who've posted, I've learned so much from the community here & on similar posts, this is an amazing forum. Quick List of what I've learned(Off the top of my head tbh) • SAS (Didn't even know it existed.) • Aerodynamics • Prograde Marker • Apoapsis & Perapsis • How to actually leave Kerbin • COM balancing • The importance of stabilizers • Weight distribution • Total Mass MATTERS • Lots of de-couplers • "Air Breathing" Engines (Yes this was the problem when hitting 10km, thanks for tip KerikBalm) • Fuel lines, yay. • You keep your horizontal speed, not your vertical. • A lot of informative video links, photos, and text. • PARACHUTESSSSSSSSS!!!!! Thx, and hope I didn't leave anything out, sorry if I did!
  2. Thanks, shoot me your suggestions I'd love to see some advanced looking space-crafts. Thank you, and yeah I have tried a design with 6 of the large engine tanks and when I decouple them they end up blowing off my bottom engine, so I have to use two or four which work well; also another problem I have with too big of engines and large ships in general (though this may be my fault due to design) is after I reach a bit after 10,000m I have trouble maintaining it at a good angle even with SAS enabled and sometimes can go into a spiraling mess that can take a bit to get out of, but I'm sure I'll get better at balancing in time.
  3. Okay will do, thanks Zuqq and everybody for your help, I've finally made orbit! Now to send more up and connect them:)
  4. Okay, I will add a few stabilizers to keep it smooth and I had no idea I had to enable SAS, when should you enable that? when entering apoapsis? Yeah that is what I've been having to do going up, and it gets kind of hectic after you throw off that initial weight. But there's an idea that they could add collapsible wings that can be opened when needed and closed when not, like the solar panels
  5. Okay Red, thanks I didn't see that sub-forum, Thank you too Zuqq for the link, I am learning a lot from this playlist; I have been playing sandbox as well. Normally I try to keep it small or medium sized as I've had no success with large ships, I normally use something like this(other side) as I've had most success with generic designs; something powerful at first to let go and smaller engines to keep you going, I'm sure there's better engines / fuel tanks to use as well. - - - Updated - - - Okay, thanks as well Alshain & Nitrous Oxide. Yes I have been flying nearly straight up or at a slight slant, never 45 degrees, also at high altitudes when I decouple the initial rocket & tanks, even the slightest turn seems to start spinning the ship uncontrollably, hence why I continued to try and go vertical. I am going to try heading up at 45 degrees as everyone has said must be done here. I also look forward to what the dev. team has in store for aerodynamics. Oh this may be worth mentioning too, should I add any aerodynamic "wings" vertically to my craft? or should you avoid them on shuttles?
  6. "there are still some major issues that have plagued KSP from the start (Kraken)" I hate to sound nitpicky, but Kraken is just a generalization and normally just means particle or acceleration glitches; most of which can be resolved as you said by updating the Unity Engine, the version they are running is from 2011.
  7. I can make it to the edge of space or a little into space then my orbit throws me back into Kerbin, so I guess my question is how do I change orbit? I set the Mun as the focus a few times but that doesn't seem to help much. I think my highest was (120,000 m) but I run out of fuel then get forced back. I also see the "change maneuver" option but it hasn't worked for me thus far. :confused:Note: This is my first day on the KSP forums & KSP itself, and I have not watched the tutorials as I learn better doing then watching, I have been learning progressively, the main thing I learned on day one was weight distribution importance, I wasted much time on ships that never even left the launch pad because of the initial pitch or rocket/missle displacements.
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