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Posts posted by Thefristi

  1. I was working to complete a tourism contract when i tried to rendevouz my 3-kerbal munlander carrying Jeb, Bob and tourist Danvin with my munar orbiter vehicle. Like always I misinterpreted the east and west directions on the navball and took off completely in the wrong direction and had to do a 180 turn around once i saw my trajectory was wrong. I Then ran out of fuel just before getting orbital speed about 450 m/s and was about to hit the revert flight button (losing all previous progress 2 successfull mun landings/science etc.) when to my shock i discovered the "Revert Flight" buttons being Greyed out/disabled. I was so sad that I was going to see my kerbals smash into the munar surface before my very eyes, especially anticipating the demise of Jebediah Kerman was depressing but then I remembered an old video of Scott Manley were he landed and took of into orbit around minmus using only Jebediah Kerman's jetpack. So i quickly EVA'd my crew and used their Jetpacks to get them into a low munar orbit were they remained until a later rescue mission could take place. I was still sad that there was no possible way for me to save the tourist as tourists can't EVA. Danvin was doomed to smash into the mun at high speed and there was nothing i could do about it.  This is one of those missions that really had an emotional element to it were i felt like responsible for the tourists death but also was happy I was able to save my own crew after having thought them dead already. If the revert flight button hadn't been disabled this whole ordeal and the memories of poor Danvin Kerman would've never stuck with me.

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