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Posts posted by Mitchbra

  1. not sure if its been posted here yet but Im having some strange bugs relating to staging of fairings, most procedural fairing stages refuse to stage unless i drag them in the sidebar in the left (even right clicking on jettison doesn't seem to work) not only this but engines located within the fairing will not stage either after the initial problem has occurred. I am using the aerodynamic fairings not the structural ones, and the issue is occurring across both inter stage and normal fairing adapters. is this just my install or is anybody els experiencing this issue?

    plz halp!!!

    PS: I am playing with realism overhaul and related mods including real solar system installed if that helps.

  2. you need to hot-stage, just like real life. :)

    trying to hot-stage but im finding that when using the procedural fairings inter stage fairing i get the message of "unable to deploy *engine name here* when stowed" quite an annoying addition by one of the 1.0 updates from squad.

    I know its not an issue with RO, but I was thinking someone here may have a workaround or an alternative so that I can successfully hot stage? either that or ill just revert to ullage for every god damn stage

  3. robinxb: did you have the right propellants available? Was your fuel state "stable"?

    Mitchbra: Welcome to the forums! :)

    Just because one of the engine's configs has lots of ignitions doesn't mean all of them do. That engine only got reignite capability in later models. The 'default' model is the one with 16 ignitions, but if you don't have that config unlocked (the 8247 config) you won't get the ignitions. The 8247 config does not unlock until Flight Control, IIRC.

    The zipped files should *never* be unzipped if you're playing with RealFuels.

    wow that clears a lot up, thanks.. I feel stupid now it seems so obvious :P

  4. I am having some similar issues that i haven't seen addressed in this thread, sorry if its something obvious, im wondering about the compatibility with this and the FASA engines, I select a hypergolic engine and it tells me that it has "16 ignitions - type: Hypergolic" in the description. when it comes to actually using this engine in orbital maneuvers I only get 1 ignition.. if i right click on the engine it says i have used my only hypergolic ignition...


    I had a look at some of the config files (to be fair I have absolutely no idea what im doing) and achieved not too much.. when i unzipped some of the ignitor configs in the Engine Ignitor Directory all i managed was messing with my engine ignitions, I also have a problem with non fasa engines when I unzipped the config files (see Picture), there were no configs for FASA.


    I think this is part of my problem.. I cant figure out what im missing and what i need to do to fix it. I was hoping someone here could point me in the right direction

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