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  1. Not sure exactly what the issue is here, I'm assuming from reading earlier posts that I've either completed some task which is preventing Mun and Minmus contracts (or any contracts other than on Kerbin) from spawning, or I missed doing something that would've opened those contracts up. Or maybe it's a mod incompatibility, I'm not sure. I've already landed on both the Mun and Minmus, and I've sent a probe out into a solar orbit and I have not gotten a single contract from this pack for any other celestial body except for Kerbin. I've got quite a few mods and I'd be happy to provide a mod list, but the as far as mods that create contracts go, I have: the requirements for the pack, Contract Configurator and the other packs by Nightingale, ScanSat, and Mission Controller 2. If I can provide any more useful info let me know, and any help is appreciated!
  2. Sorry if this is an already answered question, but my re-entry speeds seem a bit ridiculous. I'm unable to slow my rockets down enough to pop my chutes, crashing many times still going 1000+ m/s unless I use thrusters to slow me down. Is this an intended feature of KSP 1.0+ or is my install wonky?
  3. I would like to thank you for taking personal interest on this issue, and apologize for the late reply, I haven't had as much time as I would like for KSP. Anyway, I would like to take a few days to more extensively test this bug. I have been experiencing mixed results, the original Kerbal that was rendered debris fixed itself, but some others during testing have not, and I would like to try to determine the specific scenarios that cause this before taking any more of your time.
  4. Firstly, thanks for all the work you put into your fixes, people like you keep games like this going, generally long after the main developers stop working on it Secondly, I have your KerbalDebrisFix installed, and it loads on start according to the gamelog, however, my kerbals do NOT revert from being debris until I manually reset them using the persistent.sfs method you described in another post, and it does not prevent them from becoming debris again upon crash. I am assuming since this has worked for most people, or at least I don't see many complaints about it, that it must be a conflict because of one of two things; 1: I am using a Mac, or 2: I have about 20 mods installed I'm here just to ask if you agree with either of these diagnosis, or if you think something else may be afoot. I can post the log file if you think it will help. Thanks in advance for your time!
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