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Everything posted by Stilgar

  1. Oh gosh, I know right? I've been checking on it for several months now, watching... waiting... But with patience comes reward I guess, I'm willing to wait for this mod.
  2. If you have extra time, MAKE THIS PLEASE! It may not be as useful as other features, but it would be aesthetically amazing.
  3. Well, the limited memory part sure explains why my game crashes. Don't make Module Manager patch in over 4000 patches people, let alone 7365 like I did.
  4. Suggestion for a new star: a small (only 2x bigger than Kerbin) red dwarf star. Solar panels cannot be fully operational off of such low light and must stick to around 10-20% of the maximum power output (making thermostatic generators a little more useful, unless you don't mind solar wings on your tiny probe). However, it should have special compatibility with resource-based mods that make resources spawn more frequently, making converter/ harvester ships more functional in this system.
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