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    Curious George
  1. I really enjoy playing career mode, mostly for the challenge of having to start from scratch and work my way up. The 1 thing I despise about career mode is the way you have to gather science. It basically just feels like micro management. It feels like, every single spaceship/plane I build, i have to include a stock 5-6 science items on it just to make the trip worth while. So, I'm bringing forth this thread to basically try to drum up ideas (or perhaps enlighten me to mods I've missed) about different ways to gather science that aren't so "boring". On to the idea... Science can be gathered by building stations/bases. (Yes, this kind of already exists... sorta, but hear me out) Orbital stations, or planetary bases can produce science points in small (decimal) incremental values in overtime and in real time, once the station or base has been established. They require materials (resources) in order to produce science points. Materials must be delivered to the stations/bases on a regular basis to keep them supplied. (similar to how real science is generated on the ISS) Biomes can dictate the maximum amount of passively generated science a base can produce per material resource. Orbital stations can use the biomes they orbit over, making multiple stations in orbit at different orbit types (equatorial, polar, etc) more valuable. (this may not be possible since stations aren't loaded if they are not within a certain distance, but I'm sure someone can figure something out) [*]Research and Development can contain new nodes that unlock science material containers. I am a developer by trade, and while I do poses the ability to create a mod relating to this idea, I simply do not have the time to support it. So, given this, if anyone wants to take my idea and create a mod, you are more than welcome. And now, open to discussion, do you like this idea, how can it be made better? Do you have a better idea along the same lines? Or simply, is this a terrible idea, and why do you think that? Looking forward to seeing what others think.
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