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Everything posted by ledo1222

  1. You can just edit your post. No need to Double post
  2. Its a Disorder some people assume the have, witch they really don't have. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obsessive%E2%80%93compulsive_disorder
  3. Why should modelers get money for something that adds no value to the game? (Not saying your work is bad) By value i mean the End product of the game, KSP. You making a Model is your way off adding to the game, and should not be profitable in no way. But i do understand you put your Time and effort into the models and they do hold a special value to you. Money should only be given to the Dev team and only them. they worked on KSP, why should some random Modeller get money for a Mod part and not them?! But that's my Opinion.
  4. Why did you make everything blurry? Is there a point to be proven here? Do the normal graphixs settings not surpass your expectations?!
  5. Dont you love this? <div style="border: 1px solid red; padding: 1em; color: red">Moderator comment: No use in posting images. Pressing button and asking to close the topic works way better. Topic closed. Topicstarter may contact any moderator whenever he wishes it back online.</div>
  6. Its an old dead mod, Can a Mod Close this thread?
  7. So I recently have gotten the 3ds max 2013 Student version, iv done C7 Tut. Im trying to make a landing Pod, with is a cylinder, but I want to have it hollow with a roof and walls, and an opening how would I achieve that? Is there a tool, or do i have to input command to achieve this?
  8. Im currently working on something similar to a cargo bay type part. but its for a rover, if you can draw me a concept of what you want I can model it
  9. This just might be an edit, but its a darn good on, keep it up.
  10. Good to know ill pack my stuff. [glow=red,2,300]-Loads rocket's-[/glow]
  11. Greennnnnnnnn................. Ill give this a try and also Good job keep it up!
  12. Again another great Update keep them coming!
  13. Congrats now we wait for 200k LET GO KSP
  14. Amazing work, great to see people and the love for this game! keep it up my friend.
  15. Wow amazing work, now you should animated when its the last component the legs pop out u can safely land it, just like the parachute. Non the less amazing work, hope too see more in the future!
  16. Nice, mabey you should try to code it so that the Space shuttle is the command module instead of the Vanilla one. Would be nice. Non the less great work -ledo
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