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    Curious George
  1. Hello, I enjoy this game and I would love to see it becoming a multi-interest game. 1) I'd love to be able to build cars, and to have a special place for doing so. Test tracks, rally tracks, icy, or even a city with a couple of streets. 2) I would love to be able to change the texture, smoothness and height of certain parts of Kerbin. I'd love to select a square of ground, then be able to lift it or dig into the ground, or simply turn it black and smooth for a road to be build. If possible, I'd even love more to be able to separate what I lift from the ground, and tweak the mass of the resulting object. It would make the perfect sandbox combination. 3) I also would love to see my Kerbals able to throw things (whack a Kerbal-like balls, but with tweakable textures) in 1st person view, for example by creating a mode where the camera is controled with the mouse, if possible with a reticle at pointing. Some other stuff would be fun to have as mods : 1) Creating more objects, simple objects that Kerbals can simply grab, put on the floor, and use. Chairs, tables, any 3D model that the player wants. 1) Gardening system on Kerbin, seasons, weather (growing trees, flowers) 2) Building making during EVA (would be possible with suggestion n°2) 3) Having animals 4) Being able to give the Kerbal flying abilities (tweable jetpack with enormous potential power) 5) Slowing down time (max. 100 times, would be useful for cars, as well as for some fighting mods that could appear with such an engine ) 6) Having a mode where the mouse can grab anything with left_click and move camera with right_click, in order to move objects. With these suggestions and mostly with such a community, I believe that this game could become one of the best sandbox / simulation game ever. Thanks for reading and, in advance, for reacting. The Robs
  2. The_Robs


    I'm new here, didn't get the game yet, I'm playing it with a friend. He taught me quite well, I'm comfortable with everything now. Looking for some fun missions and interesting space-crafts. See ya around. The Robs
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