Hello! This craft here is a product of like 15 minutes of hard, arduous work. I'm proud of what I've made, as it really replicates the Sr-71's actual flight performances. For example, it has a flight ceiling of around 24000 meters, which is the same as the actual Bird's. Furthermore, it has a top speed of around 1000 meters per second, which is about Mach 3, comparatively close to the SR-71's top speed of Mach 3.4-ish.
Anyway, I have made two different types of this craft. The stock version, and the normal version, which requires TweakScale and Adjustable Landing Gear.
This is the NORMAL VERSION https://drive.google.com/file/d/0By1UXA5zk7OiclAyR0hqUGgtWEk/view?usp=sharing
This is the STOCK VERSION https://drive.google.com/open?id=0By1UXA5zk7Oia3hfNzlmdVJZa3c
Here's a pic of the normal version in action. I know I should have made more pictures, but I'm a tad lazy. Hope you enjoy your craft! fell free to edit it and upload your edits I guess, but hey give me some credit.