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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Hello! This craft here is a product of like 15 minutes of hard, arduous work. I'm proud of what I've made, as it really replicates the Sr-71's actual flight performances. For example, it has a flight ceiling of around 24000 meters, which is the same as the actual Bird's. Furthermore, it has a top speed of around 1000 meters per second, which is about Mach 3, comparatively close to the SR-71's top speed of Mach 3.4-ish. Anyway, I have made two different types of this craft. The stock version, and the normal version, which requires TweakScale and Adjustable Landing Gear. This is the NORMAL VERSION https://drive.google.com/file/d/0By1UXA5zk7OiclAyR0hqUGgtWEk/view?usp=sharing This is the STOCK VERSION https://drive.google.com/open?id=0By1UXA5zk7Oia3hfNzlmdVJZa3c Here's a pic of the normal version in action. I know I should have made more pictures, but I'm a tad lazy. Hope you enjoy your craft! fell free to edit it and upload your edits I guess, but hey give me some credit.
  2. The chassis/driver's sitting area on this is incredibly strong. Took a hit at 200+mps and didn't break. The rest of the craft wasn't so lucky. It got disintegrated. 5-star rating on shatteringly-powerful crashes, though!
  3. Dang dude. Functional AND good looking! (Now if only I could find a girl like that... lol)
  4. Wow man, nice craft. Looking forward to using this on my network of fuel stops on the Mun and Minmus.
  5. Wow, man! Nice work. I wish I had the knowledge in electronics and coding to build one of these. Guess I'll just have to stick to Ye Olde Keyboard.
  6. Been lookin for a good VTOL/SSTO, and since I'm no good (at ALL) at building, I couldn't make it. Nice job!
  7. Holy crap man. I will be using the HECK out of this craft. Rep to you. I like the interior, definitely going to check out the Gigacruiser.
  8. This also works as a boat. Testing to see if boatable is my new thing every time a new KerbAprilia comes out.
  9. I love it! Kudos to you!
  10. Wow, nice! I'm downloading that now! I really like just how versatile KSP is, and how people like you find all these cool ways to make ordinary objects using not-so-ordinary means. Nicely done! Also, the new one works as a boat. XD
  11. I'm loving the story so far! Damn Federation...
  12. I found that the pocket variant works as a great boat with SAS turned on. I found this out by folding in the wheels and thinking "That looks like a boat!" So, I Hyperedited it to the water, and it gets about 4 meters per second, works on Eve too, although not nearly as good. It also works really good on Laythe, so if you want to explore the oceans, the pocket variant is for you. *Note* I have not tried the normal variant, but it has one engine, so may not work as well.
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