This plugin wouldn't be necessary if we could explicitly choose to overwrite an auto-detected mod (with a version downloaded from CKAN), or delete an auto-detected mod. I know you are going for making CKAN as newb friendly as possible, but it's actually hurting your user experience by preventing auto-detected mods from being removed or overwritten. Let me tell you the two major issues I have with this mod which can both be solved by eliminating the need for this plugin: 1. I copy a mod set over from another install. CKAN detects all those mods as auto-detected mods and prevents me from doing anything with them. So in order to use CKAN, I have to delete everything and redownload everything. Even copying over the CKAN directory from the original install isn't enough to avoid still detects all those mods as auto-detected instead of mods installed by CKAN. 2. mods get stuck in CKAN. Right now I'm trying to diagnose problems with my mods, and that requires removing mods. Somehow I got it in a state where CKAN thinks the SmokeScreen plugin is an autodetected mod even though there are no files in my GameData folder for the plugin.