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Everything posted by McCrotch

  1. Hey everyone! I'd like to quickly update and let you know I was able to save Jeb by editing the quicksave.sfs file! Oddly, changing his altitude didn't have any effect, but I set "landed=True" and that saved him. The game didn't like that very much and crashed the HUD, but after exiting to space station and returning, everything seems to be okay.
  2. After landing successfully on minimus and collecting some soil samples, I decided to have some fun and EVA Jeb around. So I quicksave while in EVA and go flying. Unfortunately, I quicksaved while he was hitting the ground. Now literally .5 seconds after my quickload, jeb hits the surface and explodes. Is there a mod or cheat or hack I could do that would prevent kerbal death? I wouldn't want to use it during normal gameplay, but this is a very frustrating way to lose a kerbal + ship + science data.
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