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Everything posted by Ethanadams

  1. Ethanadams


    d any of you guys know any good tas software because all the ones I look for are spam
  2. I do kinda I will, creep your posts to find out more though the user below me thinks the sentence I just said is weird and creepy
  3. A lazy boy (the chair) the next object you touch non electrical will be forever spamming your computer
  4. Hide dead kittens for unknown reasons qwereeq
  5. I throw a hammer into an airlock hitting the kerbel
  6. :mad.: wait there another way the person below me has been to a space program facility not ksp
  7. I hire jeb to *fly* a ship into the mother ship my scattered shrapnel
  8. Huh a outlet the object 9 cm from you left 1 cm to the front is the needle doctors will take blood form you
  9. 9/10 8.98 hertz is the frequency which the liquids in you eyes move so if you listen to it it will cause you eyes to shake making you see fleeting Gray images hypothetically making people go crazy from not being able to focus on them if you want to do it you will need really good headphone though (speakers don't work) it jas nothing to do with bowel movement
  10. No tubm is in or past milletart experance
  11. I ignore your Peddy hill and conquer kerbol my kerbol
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