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    Curious George
  1. Not sure if anyone uses Sublime Text 2/3 here, but I thought I'd share my snippet file for creating "stock" Kerbals in the save file (once you have a list of names). I made all of mine Engineers (since who doesn't want more makers and fixers in the world) and gave the snippet the ability to flip the gender as desired (type M/F in the selector then TAB to the end of the block). I stopped being super-lazy, adding the trait field along with the gender. Select the entry from the list of names, CTRL+SHIFT+P, type "ker" into the console, ENTER, type M/F (sorry... lazy... didn't make it capitalize the word for you), TAB to go to the end of the block. <snippet> <content><![CDATA[ KERBAL { name = $SELECTION Kerman gender = ${1:Male/Female}${1/(m$)|(f$)|.*/?1:ale:?2emale/i} type = Unowned trait = ${2:Tourist/Applicant/Pilot/Engineer/Scientist}${2/(t$)|(a$)|(p$)|(e$)|(s$)|.*/?1:ourist:?2:pplicant:?3:ilot?4:ngineer?5:cientist/i} brave = 0.1 dumb = 0.1 badS = False tour = False state = Assigned ToD = 0 idx = -1 CAREER_LOG { flight = 0 } FLIGHT_LOG { flight = 0 } } ]]></content> <tabTrigger>kerbal</tabTrigger> </snippet> Drop this into a file (mine's "fix_a_kerbal.sublime-snippet") that lives in your snippets directory (I just leave mine in the ./Packages/User/ dir). If I feel particularly enterprising, I may whip up a quick mono app that will hunt down Kerbal names and do all this automagically. If I do, I'll post it here.
  2. @Navy2k - I already use IR, but I haven't been able to manage building what i want from those parts (either because they're too fiddly or because I can't fit them into a bay the way I want. @Buzzou - Nifty! Thanks! That gets close, and should serve as a good introduction to what I'm trying for. Just DLd it. As soon as I figure out how to dissect the .mu file, I should have a better idea of whether or not I can invest the time to build what I want (or update this thing to .90).
  3. Welcome to the forums! :)

  4. I like to build compact space probes. I love the small form factor (especially for "nuclear" probes - so useful!), but sometimes I have to go bigger. Especially for longer journeys, a low-thrust monoprop engine's not going to do the trick for me. I need a high-thrust, low-consumption alternative (late science is fine)! I was thinking, "how cool would it be to mod in an engine design for probes like the warp ship from Star Trek: First Contact?" I started looking at modding resources, but found that a lot of it's out of date. I don't have time this week to look into it further, but I plan on asking around the community this weekend, if I can find a spare moment, for more info on how to get started. In the interim, I figured "why not post it to the community, anyway?!" I would love to be involved, but my wheelhouse - as a software dev - is obviously more on the programming side (with 2D art being something in which I still dabble, but a study of proper 3D techniques being a bit beyond my grasp at the moment). Because I love the flexibility offered by TweakScale, I'd love to see an integration of that (and maybe the fuel tank mod that adds the tank GUI to the menu). Integration with other mods (Karbonite, open resource, etc.) would just be a bonus. What do you think, fellow Kerbonauts? Have any merit, this?
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