I'm not going to write something like "KSP MMO this would be awsome!", I've actually read lots of threads like this. And always there was one problem. Time warp. So I got an idea. At the start player would not got KSC or ship, but he would got fully customizable kerbal at the start.(Of course you would get an option to hire more kerbals later) He would started at some Giant-Death-Star-like-thingy(GDSLT) with little atmosphere. At the GDSLT he would get quests an other this MMO stuff and also respawning there. At GDSLT he would also have his first hangar, where he could build little space ships to get to the "orbit" of GDSLT and also to the "moon" of GDSLT. (Something like second station) From there it starts to actually solve the time warp problem. Every player would have his own random star system.(After finishing some quests at GDSLT) Only 3-4 planets for player. He could time warp in his system as he would wanted. But every midnight there would be all-server-synchornization where every single star system would be synchronized to the one with highest date. (I don't know if this makes sense, just if there were theree - 1 year, 6 year and 15487 year, everybody would jump onto the 15487 year.) And if you wanted to visit your friends in their own system, you would use the same time warp solution as DarkMultiplayer.(Relative sync I think) But you maybe ask what if there was a ship in way out of the solar system and midnight would come? The ship would get destroyed. And will the players be angry? Yes. Probably. I was thinking about some Quantum freezer which would freeze you in event of midnigh. Thoug it is highly not scientific. There would be also main solar system, where would everybody timewarp on their wish. BUT the planets would actually needed to stay in place or something. Didn't actually figured out this one. I got and idea you could only timewarp in very hight altitudes when is little chance, that you meet someone. But still doesn't solve the moving planets problem though. Well, hope you can finish this idea! P.S.: I Can't really write in English properly. :/ Sorry.