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Posts posted by Taurick

  1. I just installed the parttools package on page 8 to unity 4.2.2 as described back on page 8.

    I'm getting the following error:

    Internal compiler error. See the console log for more information. output was:

    Unhandled Exception: System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded.

    at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:GetTypes (bool)

    at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at Mono.CSharp.RootNamespace.ComputeNamespaces (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly, System.Type extensionType) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at Mono.CSharp.RootNamespace.ComputeNamespace (Mono.CSharp.CompilerContext ctx, System.Type extensionType) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at Mono.CSharp.GlobalRootNamespace.ComputeNamespaces (Mono.CSharp.CompilerContext ctx) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at Mono.CSharp.Driver.LoadReferences () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at Mono.CSharp.Driver.Compile () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at Mono.CSharp.Driver.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    Is there an easy fix here?

  2. China Lake and Aberdeen uses these formulas for approximate damage effects: HE is R1/3; blast fragmentation is R1/2; and continuous rod is R (though when it goes past Rlimit it becomes R1/3)

    Thanks for the reply.

    I'm a little confused on that formula you've given, not sure if you're describing how BDA calculates explosions or if you're giving me a rough guide to how to select an appropriate cannonShellPower value.

    R in that formula would be cannonShellRadius?

  3. Awesome mod :)

    I'm trying to create some turrets of my own here, and I'm just wondering about a couple of the parameters. Could someone clarify the following for me?

    cannonShellRadius -- Is in meters?

    cannonShellPower -- The cs for the module on github says this is 'cannon explosion impulse', is it an arbitrary value or is it a real value measured in N/kN? Does the impulse decrease with the square of distance like a real explosive or is it a constant value all the way to the end of the cannonShellRadius?

    Also the explosion animation itself doesn't appear to scale with the cannonShellRadius value? How would I go about making very large explosions. I'm making naval and siege artillery turrets here and it's a bit disconcerting firing a 460mm battleship gun or 800mm railroad gun into my VAB, getting a small explosion, and then watching every building in the whole launch complex go up in flames.

    This is even before I try and do something as silly as a nuclear warhead

    please halp, this is essential for me to make the Battlestar Galactica and shoot at basestars :)

    edit: Also I would like to change the unload distance to be conditional rather than yes/no based on distance. Ideally I want to be able to track a round from the naval gun all the way on it's flight path, and on the bigger ones this can be in excess of 40km. I can't really just set the unload distance to 40km because the game isn't going to like that. Is it possible to do something like:

    time = 0

    [INDENT]while(distance > 5 && time < 5){[/INDENT]


    if(distance > 5 && time > 5){[/INDENT]

    [INDENT=2]unload object[/INDENT]



    Basically just want to delay unloading an object for 5 or 10 seconds after it passes the unload range. Possible or no?

  4. That would be helpful, a pic in the VAB with the KER window open, please. :)

    Okaaaay I just tried to reproduce this and now your instructions work perfectly.

    I closed and reopened the game in between these two posts so maybe there was some sort of glitch happening the first time I tried this, but more likely I derped horribly and followed instructions wrong :P

    Thanks for your help, if I can make this happen again I'll post a screenshot and logs so we can finnick out any bugs :)

  5. After you attach the payload, reroot the launcher+payload from the uppermost part in the stack. KER and other dV calculators struggle with the root part in a middle stage.

    Alternately, make the launcher the subassembly instead of the payload.

    Also, welcome to the forums!

    Thanks for the tip, rerooting the craft to the top calculated the upper delta-V stage, but now my middle stage SRB is not being calculated heh. I'll take a screenshot if that is helpful at all

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