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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. i am using real solar system. Thanks for the help. Sorry didn't think it would modify engine cfgs like that.
  2. I completely get what you mean but if you look at my screenshot the CM Motor only has one node available after attaching it to the CM and thats at the nozzle and not the base like your screenshot shows. I even looked at the cfg file for the motor and it only has 2 nodes. 1 at the base for cm attachment and 1 at the nozzle.
  3. I have looked everywhere. That aj-10-137 does not have a second node anywhere near the top of the engine. At least the one that comes with FASA doesn't.
  4. So I've got the LEM built as well as the CM and they appear to stack well using the lunar module adapter but the fairings appear way to short. The don't even reach the nozzle of the CM engine. What am I missing here? See photo. I was able to offset the LEM deeper into the adapter but I cant get the engine closer to the LEM. Even then the fairings appear too short.
  5. Are there any guides to building the saturn v with this mod. Im having some trouble with a few stages specifically the faring around the LEM and connecting it to the CM
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