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Everything posted by evangs1

  1. So it sounds like it is more CPU bound. On my old system, I had an E7600 with a Radeon 4670 and it was getting ~5 fps launching a fair sized rocket with RO and a ton of other mods. However, it was reaching a solid 40 fps while in orbit with a small craft. So would the 1231 + something like the 750 ti allow me to get 1080p 60fps with max settings?
  2. Can the GT 730 get 60fps 1080p ultra? I just don't want to buy and underpowered GPU.
  3. I am building a new PC for some programming/KSP. I have already decided on the processor (E3-1231 v3) and I need help choosing a new video card. My previous system had a Radeon HD 4670, but that wasn't quite cutting it. Would like to be able to play KSP 40-60fps max settings. Any suggestions or comparative PassMark scores?
  4. The download link doesn't work for me. Could you put it on Dropbox, or something else?
  5. Well, I know that, I already have all of the Bahamuto engines. I'm asking for installation instructions.
  6. I cannot figure out how to install this. I installed the Bahamuto pack, and all of the parts from that work. I can see the refuel canister, but when I go to the engines section in the VAB, none of the Landertron engines are there. Please help!
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