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Everything posted by ahruman

  1. Could the first post please be updated? The title says “FAR onlyâ€Â. The FAQ says “stock aerodynamics and FARâ€Â, which appears to be correct. The Mod Description section says stock only. Kerbal Stuff says Stock, FAR and NEAR.
  2. On the contrary, ion engines were massively overpowered already. It was possible in 0.23 (with careful use of thrust limiter) to launch an ion probe into orbit using only two small SRBs, circularize, and go and land it on Gilly.
  3. No. In higher gravity, the gravitational force on the ship is stronger, but the gravitational force on the displaced water is stronger by exactly the same amount, so they cancel out. See nhnifong’s comment on top of page 3.
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