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Everything posted by kelvindeschutter

  1. nope windows 8.1 The user below me is a hase never got to eve
  2. Is Acid a option? There is a type off acid that bytes true rock
  3. riocrokite there just that one part i miss and thats a transition part between normal and xl here is a pic so you can see it
  4. May i know whate the name off that moddeling program is? I want to get myself into modding
  5. its depens on it for some its the challange to go to other planets and for others its just the funn messing around
  6. this is mine entry here is the craft file its called Falcon MK 3 :https://www.dropbox.com/s/mpm0ed8dtn1jjr8/falcon%20MK%203.craft?dl=0
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