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Ridli Scott

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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. No matter the mod or version, Firespitter always give me the warning, but the mods related to him works.
  2. Beautiful The only issue are the wings, but this is more from the Squad stuff than yours. And the new landing gear fits very well in the MK IV body.
  3. No problem, take your time (especially if the bosses do not stop to release micropatch fot he 1.0).
  4. I hope too I want my Moon Whale back http://imgur.com/a/T2MQy
  5. The ultimate offroad experience! Maybe you can put another ion engine under the chassis to soften some dangerous landings. It's a shame that the landing wear of the stocks parts is the limiting component for faster rovers. You may try the heavy duty landing wear of the B9 pack.
  6. I'll show you the Chippewa Shuttle, this isn't a SSTO, in fact is a shuttle with 2 stages, but unlike other shuttles and SSTO I designed this is able to land without losing a single piece (such as engines) even on a fully unpowered landing. I know... I know look ridiculous with the solid boosters and fuel pipes, but it fly pretty well and the small fuel tanks on the boosters are the reason why I can choose between a conventional landing or an unpowered landing instead having to land without fuel because I don't have any in the worst case scenario. http://imgur.com/a/67UAB Edit: Why god? why? Why I can't upload the album here?
  7. This is the epitome of a Kerbal ship: Ingenious and hilarious.
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