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Everything posted by fopim

  1. Hi sal_vager, thanks for the answer. It turned out that it was the lack of the LC_ALL=C in my script which caused the problem. I removed it because in 0.90 changelog, it was said that the bugs caused by the local where fixed. But as stated by m4v here http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92231-The-Linux-Thread?p=1722020&viewfull=1#post1722020 , it doesn't fixed everything (but the most annoying bug though). Anyway, adding LC_ALL=C just before lauching ksp do the trick.
  2. Version : KSP 1.0.2 - steam. I made a script to start KSP without having starting steam : #!/bin/bash cd /home/myusername/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/ && ./KSP.x86_64 The problem is that my graphical settings and the preferences about sending my IP are not recorded seems to be reinitialized each time I relaunch ksp. I explain more : If i made changes, for example activate fullscreen, next time I will launch KSP, it will be in full screen, but if I go in the settings panel, all options are set to default. Then if i click on apply, it apply default settings. It's very annoying to have to re-set everything as soon as I want to change a setting. Similarly, the KSP Stats Tracking dialog is displayed each time I launch KSP (This is the dialog where you tell if you want to send IP and anonymous game progress data). Keys modification are recorded though. There's nothing in the console about file not found or such thing. Is this a known bug ? I didn't find anything about it in the forum...
  3. Hi there ! Just to say that the locale bug which forced certain locale users to start ksp with "LC_ALL=C" has been fixed in 0.90. Would be nice to put it on first post. Source : http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/0.90#Bug_Fixes_and_Tweaks (8th point). As a french locale user, I can confirm it's fixed
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