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Everything posted by kaotik

  1. For anyone having the issue where interstage fairing base has no right-click menu: it's a conflict with Tweakable Everything mod, more specifically Tweakable Decouplers. You can remove TweakableDecouplers.dll from GameData/TweakableEverything to fix the issue and keep the rest of Tweakable Everything working
  2. Often this happens for me when I leave physics range (5-20km ?) of an object I'm connected to. Switching ships promptly re-establishes the connection
  3. I'm getting this too... And I'm using stock probe cores (OKTO2 and RC-001S). I had a craft with bunch of probes attached to it, and when I would decouple a probe and switch to it the controls would be delayed. But after I go to the space centre and switch to the probe again the controls would be instantaneous...
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