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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Mostly I ran into this issue when I botch a burn. The manuver waypoints ahead are now in diffrent place in gerads to the new special places. I think the logic is based that each node is a time offset from current position but I could find use for other locations such as a set radial spatial location or a as phase of the whole orbit.
  2. I will look after the mentioned mod. However I am a bit awry piecing a game together myself. That is usually the job of a developer. I am assuming it allows the input of arbitrary times, but I would still have to look up the relevant info and input by hand and I would still be left with the task of finding which craft is closest to it's burn time. Ideally I wouldn't need to know when the next node is just that I pilot the vechicle with the next upcoming node. I don't wish to change what vechicles are simulated and what are not. All the relevant information is already displayed in the planetarium. I wouldn't trust any autopilot with the manuver details anyway. With a single vechilce you can visually see when something other than waiting is the appropirate action. however it is very easy to skip over another vessels manuver node while acclerating time focused on another. This is even true in the planetarium as you can't have all the nodes displayed at once (you would have to constantly cycle between them the faster the bigger the time acceleration).
  3. I will look after the mentioned mod. However I am a bit awry piecing a game together myself. That is usually the job of a developer. I am assuming it allows the input of arbitrary times, but I would still have to look up the relevant info and input by hand and I would still be left with the task of finding which craft is closest to it's burn time. Ideally I wouldn't need to know when the next node is just that I pilot the vechicle with the next upcoming node. I don't wish to change what vechicles are simulated and what are not. All the relevant information is already displayed in the planetarium. I wouldn't trust any autopilot with the manuver details anyway. With a single vechilce you can visually see when something other than waiting is the appropirate action. however it is very easy to skip over another vessels manuver node while acclerating time focused on another. This is even true in the planetarium as you can't have all the nodes displayed at once (you would have to constantly cycle between them the faster the bigger the time acceleration).
  4. You could also call them "ticks". You know there is a huge pile of papers with a lot of boxes before you get to play with the toys. Space is also the thing that makes the kerbals tick.
  5. I saw that FTL is a already suggested thing. I was wondering on what is the stance on slower than light physics. I know that this potentially might be such a major basic orbit mechanism change that it migth not be a trivial thing to add. Will we ever have time dilation or lorentz contraction? Given that the game already does time acceleration there might be easy ways to nudge it to have flight clocks tick at a diffferent rate than world clock.
  6. Now that the manuver nodes are persistent I found then very fun. However they have left me wanting a feature really bad. I would like there to be a feed of upcoming events for the space program and particularly which planned nodes are coming up and how much time room I have between them. Currently I have to highlight each flight in the observatory in turn to check for it manually. It shows the mission elapsed time for each flight but I think time for next burn/planet intersection/reentry would be way more essential. I think this is a big diffference between flying a bunch of unrelated flights and operating a proper space program.
  7. Support for this and elaboration to get the idea working forward. When time passes KSC generates "office time". When you enter the VAB you start up eating "office time". When you run out of office time the world clock starts ticking (ie you eat it at the same rate that you generate). For short visits it would work the same as currently but only would change with little to no time acceleration or camping in the VAB an excessive amout of time.
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