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Posts posted by spioner

  1. Quick question:

    If I were in a parking orbit around a planet, and I would calculate my orbital velocity using

    v = SQRT(μ/r)

    And I would calculate required velocity (called v1 in this guide) using

    v1 = SQRT((r1*(r2*v22-2*μ)+2*r2*μ)/(r1*r2))

    Could I then calculate the required transfer delta-v by getting the difference between the two? As in the total amount of delta-v required to get from a parking orbit to an intercept with another planet?

    Sorry if I'm being vague, I just can't explain it very well.

  2. Great work on this! I can really appreciate all the work that you put into making this, especially since I once tried to make something similar in C#. I even used TreeListView like you did :). I wish I had just known about your Mod Admin before, it's so much better.

    Anyway, I have a few points of feedback that might help you develop the tool further:

    • I can't get the version control to work. Doesn't matter if I add a mod through URL or local path, it usually throws a WebClient-request exception, or sometimes a NullReferenceException (object reference not set to an instance).
    • The buttons above the mods TreeListView are too small to quickly see what they do. I'm often relying on tooltips to find where that one button was again. Wouldn't hurt to make them slightly bigger IMO.
    • Perhaps you could add a launch option to start the game through Steam. Just using "steam://rungameid/220200" should work.

    Ok, here comes the nit-picky stuff (ignore if you have better things to do):

    • In the Add Mod Dialog, you should probably use a Close button instead of Cancel.
    • In Options > Update > Node coloring on/off, just leave the "on/off" out. It's a checkbox so it makes sense that it's on/off. Same with Options > Misc > Conflict detection.
    • The "KSP folder search" function isn't very clearly described. I guess it looks for a KSP path relative to MA's working directory? Also, The textbox that let's you enter a number makes little sense until you read the tooltip on the button next to it. I would suggest creating a seperate dialog for this.
    • In Options > Paths, make the spacing equal between the four buttons.

    I may try to break your program a little more if I feel like it. I hope this motivates you enough to keep working on this great tool! Keep it up!

  3. Love it.

    Saves me having to close KSP to quickly accept a incoming skype call (and then waiting a couple of mins for the game to load again after the call is finished)



    Hooray! Someone else find it useful! I personally use it when I want to play my own music while playing KSP. I also have a global hotkey on my keyboard that plays music from my library in foobar2000, which works great.

    Let me know if you find anything that could use improvement!

  4. Function

    MusicMute is an addon that lets you mute and unmute KSP's music, using a user-configurable hotkey.




    By default, you can mute music in-game at any time by pressing F8.

    This key can be configured by editing the Settings.cfg file found in GameData\MusicMute\Config.

    You can change the toggle key, as well as configure a modifier key that has to be pressed at the same time, like LeftAlt, LeftControl or whatever you want.

    For the full list of keys you can use, see Unity Script Reference.

    You can now also choose wether you want to start the game with muted music or not. Set the value of the startMuted key to either true or false to use feature.


    You can easily install this addon by unzipping the contents of the supplied GameData folder into the GameData folder that is inside your KSP installation directory.

    This is usually "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData".

    Source code

    You'll find the source code of this addon in the "Source" folder.

    I hope someone in this universe, other than me, will find this useful. By the way, I really hate all this licensing stuff.

    Oh, and I'm open to criticism and all that good stuff. This is my first add-on for KSP, so please be gentle. Actually I don't think I have to ask, since you are all such nice people around here :)

    What are you still doing here! Go play KSP!

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