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Everything posted by kakxow

  1. I just did that quest - taking E-class asteroid to Kerbin's orbit. That's pretty straight. Using procedural parts and tweakscale (for reaction wheels) I've created one of the biggest craft I've ever done - 700t tug, using only huge 3.75 reaction wheels and a bunch of vernor engines for rotation. Met The Rock in solar orbit, precisely docked (many quickloads, really) and took it to Kerbin, using MechJeb. Approximatly 10 years, btw... This monster also could be done only using stock parts - tug's tanks diameter is 3.75.
  2. Thank you very much! Adding to whitelist (and updating both antivirus and video card driver) solved that problem. That's a bit strange, IMO: more than 700h of gameplay and suddenly a problem with antivirus w/o any changes. Your answer was incredibly fast, so I can play an hour or a half before falling asleep!^^
  3. Hello! I have a following problem with KSP v0.90 Win32bit. Since yesterday I can't create any new games or resume existing. That problem was on my heavily modded install, and persist through deletion of all the mods and reinstalling the Game... There're no crashes, just freezing witha black screen between main menus and KSC scene. Log file here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/be6odafadrc8e51/output_log.txt?dl=0 P.S. Sorry for my bad Engrish.
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