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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. Well thats no good. Any way to narrow that down?
  2. Ive been working on helos and one support item i made is a sort of ground tugboat. Tughelo, if you will. Picture below. It works by docking the 2 together and using the tug to move the helo. The issue is, once i disengage the docks the crew from the helo is missing. There not on the helo or the tug. http://oi66.tinypic.com/2hoefkx.jpg Anyone know where my missing crew is?
  3. But why cant each piece of any build be taken off individually more easily? Why does it lump parts together like that?
  4. My cursor is on the very bottom corner piece. Yet it selects the entire line going to the left. How can i have it select/move just that one part, not the entire line?
  5. Ive been playing the game a few days now and im enjoying it. Got into the mining to farm money. One of the mods i got allows me to convert ore into uranium, which has a much better payout per delivery, Ore just wasent cutting it. The issue is storing that uranium. I have 2 containers that can store it. 1 is the centrifuge that converts it. and 1 thats already full of it. I really dont want to make a ship out of centrifuges so is there another mod out there that will allow me to store the uranium?
  6. A follow up question, whats the point of the sats? Can they actually feed me information or something? I didint see dishes for data transfers or telescopes for pictures of the universe or anything uber cool. What can i do with them?
  7. OK, i was mistaken. What i thought was the sat was infact the platform i used to launch it into orbit. I have no idea where my sat is or where it went or how it got there. But the platform stayed up there. - - - Updated - - - @Lord Ferret that might be it. I kinda slapped stuff together and said, sure why not. Thats satellite ish. Guess i should go read up on how to actually make one and what they can do lol.
  8. I returned to the center. I did it again to make sure, and this time it looks like the sat is still up there. But also looks like its going to crash into earth. Oh well. First one is bound to be a wash lol.
  9. I am in the process of making version of the ISS. I figured i would start with some satellites first. I wasent sure what they could and coudent do, but i figured might as well get something up there. So i made one and strapped it to the side of a rocket platform and put it in orbit. I went back and as far as i can tell, its no longer up there. Kinda, went away. Is there a trick in launching something and making it stay up there? Might as well learn this now. I plan on using the same platform to get my ISS up there.
  10. Woops, sorry for posting on the wrong section. No, ill try different mouse buttons. Gran the root part huh. Ill have to try that as well. Thank you.
  11. I am fairly new to KSP, going into my second day playing now. and i am working on some shuttle designs. Somehow my shuttle got pushed way forward, almost to the point where its out the door. I would like to simple move it back to center. One way i have tried is looking at it sideways, grabbing it with the mouse while holding shift and using the arrow keys. This does move the ship back, but also pushes it to the side wall. Is there any words of wisdom? Some light that can be shed on this? I kinda have a lot planned, or a lot planned to figure out, lol, and i would rather not waste time on such silly issue. I spend enough time just trying to find the right angle to connect 2 items, but thats a whole nother topic lol.
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