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Everything posted by AuroraeEagle

  1. Hello! My name is AuroraeEagle, but call me Eagle, I know Aurorae Eagle makes no sense if you translate the Aurorae across, but it\'s kind of meant to be that way . Either way, I\'ve been playing this game all day and I\'ve already successfully managed to get into orbit of the moon, fly out of the solar system and cause a few big explosions. All with Vanilla. But I\'ve noticed doing a full moon operation is not really.. plausible... with the vanilla parts, and they are kind of lacking in such an early version of the game (I\'ve pre-ordered the full version, even if I don\'t play this game again supporting indie devs makes me hor- I mean happy.) So, Any reccomended parts packs? I want ones that are easily useable with vanilla, not overpowered and preferably good looking. The first two points are especially important to me, I\'ve played with some of the parts packs and they kind of make it too easy. I want additional functionality, not added ease to tasks I can already do. Ideally, I\'d like parts that allow me to fly to, land on, take off from and return from the mun. Thanks for your time! - Eagle EDIT: My rocket : http://img94.imageshack.us/img94/538/6x3stagerocket.jpg
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