Context: I've recently taken up ADIOS, which is basically a giant tech tree where part are divided into family branches (antennas, wings, decouplers...). One of the problem is that the first dish, the DTS-M1, came relatively late (100 science, so tier 2) because it is perfect for Mun and Minmus exploration even without a relay network set up. But that got me thinking. It makes sense in terms of progression to say that the DTS-M1 comes relatively too early in stock tech tree, as it covers both keosynchronous orbits and Minmus expeditions. Wouldn't it be relevant to have a low-tech dish at ~10-20Mm, that is perfectly for an early-game orbital relay but not enough to go to Mun or further (at least not directly linked from KSC) ? Also I didn't try landing a rover on another planet with RT and FAR active yet but I'm quite curious to discover how to solve delays and antennas snapping in atmosphere. I remember having a hard time figuring out how to protect an antenna during unmanned takeoffs as the DP-10 kept snapping in atmospheric flight (because of FAR ? Dearly Reentry ?another mod ? an old bug ?) -- so far I solved it with KW's fairings but I don't know if they are solutions that don't require other mods.