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Everything posted by Salkhero

  1. I am a student pilot so generally I like to fly around spaceplanes and admire the scenery. Cause you know, it is a pretty big planet with many landscapes. Sometimes I also like to fly close by mountains and zoom past them. Or you know, set a record of how fast you can reenter the atmosphere, then you can watch your craft burn and put your Kerbals under extreme G Forces. But it is a pretty big game so theres always plenty to do.
  2. I wanted to build a base on Duna, the only problem is that I haven't visited the Duna system yet. So I sent a couple of Kerbals to go visit first. Then I ran out of fuel in the capture burn over Duna, so these guys are kind of stranded for now... I'm going to have to send out a rescue ship :\
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