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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. By the way, I just import the straight .blend file into unity, which makes the problem of "re-editability" inconsequential. I could just go to modifiers later and remove the edge split, fiddle with the mesh, then put the edge split back on.
  2. Ok well here is my finished product. Looks good except that I forgot to mesh the inside of the gas generator exhaust pipe (which makes it look invisible from some angles), but everything that I was actually trying to fix worked well. Also, thanks sumghai, I'll have to try that.
  3. Thanks! Ill post a pic of the finished product to see if i did stuff right.
  4. This is what it means. (sorry if the image is too big)
  5. Hey, I have been working on modding for KSP, specifically making engines for RSS, and I run into a bit of a problem. Stock and KW, etc. parts don't show the edges as clearly as mine. If you look closely on a stock part you can see the ridges and vertices on the parts, but on mine they are clearly visible. Also, I haven't had any problems making nice models in Blender, but texturing them is really hard. I want to make KW style engines ( I know its a bit of a long shot, but I want to try) but the models on them are so complex that I have trouble texturing them. Is there free software that helps locate UV Unwrap points and such that would speed along the process? Thanks
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