Hello KSPers, My first post! Woooo! So, I want to try out modding. And, I'm in a class that teaches NX 9. I'm even going to have a project later in the semester where I build some real life rocket/plane/satellite/ISS/something in a fair amount of detail. It would be really cool if I could (a) use NX 9 to build some parts for KSP and ( export my project to KSP in some way, shape or form once it is completed. I could even plan ahead and make the wings, cockpit, engines, etc into seperate .prt files so that they could be made into a mini part pack. Because NX is not the norm here, I will mention that NX does have an option to export as a .dxf file, which Unity apparently can import (http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/3D-formats.html). So I think this all should be possible. But, I haven't worked out the process and am looking for pointers. So my question is has anyone ever used NX 9 to model parts for KSP? Any suggested resources? If I'm the first person, I'll do my best, fumble through it, and come back with a more specific questions as they arise. Thanks everybody!