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Everything posted by BW_Orion

  1. Many thanks to all of you. I feel stupid now
  2. I don't think it's from a mod and I looked through the list of parts. It looks like the structural fuselage but I can't put landing gears straight. Also on the screenshot it looks to have a grey line which I didn't see in the VAB.
  3. Ok my bad, they don't have ports built in, the player puts them. Here's a link http://i.imgur.com/DRi10N7.jpg
  4. Hi guys. I'm new here but I have been playing KSP for a while. I want to build a base on Mun but I don't know what to use for the connecting elements. I'm not sure how to describe them, they are long white-ish tubes and have docking ports on the ends. I thought at first they were fuselages but no. I don't have such element unlocked and the tech tree is almost maxed out. If you know what I'm talking about please write it's name and place in the tree. Thanks.
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