Well, if anything it is good that Wii U-ers get to play KSP. And I understand them wanting to have as large a consumer base as possible, I just hope they are not spreading themselves too thinly. Lots of work still needs to be done on the PC version.
No it doesn't. The fact that there are Activision, Ubisoft or EA banners on half the sites like PC-gamer, IGN, Gamespot, and the likes, should tell you what you need to know about their partiality. I have no doubt that those companies push for good reviews. I'm just saying I doubt that Squad did that.
Ratings these 'big' game journalist give, have gotten to mean less and less to me in recent years. Game journalism is all about teh money. That being said, It's close to what I would give to KSP, and I doubt Squad gave PCgamer a bunch of money.
AFAICT KIS will be the inventory system, and KAS will be the building system. KIS will be required for KAS, so I do think that KIS will take over the inventory system the storage boxes of KAS used to have.
Probably already mentioned, but parachutes slow you down too fast even in their semi deployed state, and they should burn up at high speeds, like instantly. Re-entry heat has no purpose now. Also, heatshields are massless, so you tip over 90% of the time while on re-entry.
If people weren't being critical how would Squad know what to look at? Unadulterated praise is not what helps a game. Neither do condescending topics like these.
I would agree. But as far as that goes, I will just go with what the devs tell me. xD But yes, many things to do until the game reaches the potential I've always had in my mind.