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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. Furthermore, the game doesn't recognize the twist(RZ) axis on my joystick, which makes rudder unuseable. My joystick is VKB Gladiator NXT+X52Pro throttle.
  2. When trying to assign joystick axis to flight control, the key capture doesn't wait until I release the joystick/the joystick return to neutral position, which results in both direction of control assigned to the same direction of axis movement, for example, both "pitch up" and "pitch down" assigned to "stick up". I tried to file a ticket from launcher, but I can't get access to the private division support page for some reason.
  3. SimpleRocket2/SimplePlane style in-game IVA panel/cockpit editing and working in-cockpit system gauges and displays will greatly increase immersive gameplay. What will be basically needed: baro height, radar height. Current orbit height will certainly help. ADI that is in much larger scale than current navball (takeoffs and landings of atmosphere based aircrafts are operated within 3 degrees, which shows less than a pixel on navball), HSI(compass) that at least have a crosshair/cue on it (the KSP1 stock compass does not have a cue on it saying which bearing I am currently facing.), homing device pointing to current target/waypoint(if waypoint is half a planet away, the waypoint mark will be displayed at the bottom of navball outside of rendering, making it hard to orient) TAS/IAS/orbit speed indicator. Speed vectors outside of navball scope should be rendered as arrows around the edge of navball. Larger VSI/digital display VSI is important as well. At the end of this journey, the ultimate goal is to introduce stock HUD/HMD/MFD and drag them around in cockpit freely. In KSP1 mod authors do it well.
  4. as the title goes. I was pretty enjoying reading it every Friday when I was in college. What happened.
  5. The testing helicopter I built is gently turning in the opposite direction of rotor spinning, as if the torque is not completely accounted for and dampened by the rotor, and I have to apply manual rudder input to stop the spin. Then the rotor produced rolling torque because it is not built in line with CoM, and I seems to have to control that by applying manual collective input. I somehow understand that PID control is based on relationship between desired value and actual value, but I don't know what the desired value is in this context, and I may need documentation about that. Reading source code for this make it look more like a job and not recreational thinking.
  6. It indeed outputs thrust when I add steering response and pid parameters, but it does not seem to automatically counter the torque of main rotor. Does mod author keep a documentation about how these PID factors works?
  7. Plus, mod AJE turns ModuleResourceIntake into AJEInlet. Please add this to requirement where resource intake is needed. REQUIREMENT:NEEDS[AJE] { name = PartModuleUnlocked type = PartModuleUnlocked partModule = AJEInlet }
  8. I noticed that *SOME mod will rename ModuleControlSurface to SyncModuleControlSurface. This breaks Wright missions because it does not see ModuleControlSurface being unlocked. Please verify.
  9. Hi I noticed that helicopter tail rotors does not seem to produce counter thrust. I am using Airplane Plus and its config from here I am positively sure that the config format is correct. Please advise. Thank you.
  10. Question: Did the way spawning vessel changed after update to 1.3? When the mission spawn a vessel, it is not simulated until I get close to a range about 300m. I may take some time to investigate it today.
  11. I just checked the source file. There is literally nothing need to be changed for 1.3. Just grab a compiler you like and compile the source then we are good to go for 1.3. Because it is a bit difficult to go through the addon posting process, I would rather like the author do this. By the way this is really the must for all helicopter pilots.
  12. I currently made a super early access version of BDArmory compatible file. https://1drv.ms/u/s!AuHsvHwWj38Cj7tfKtRJ5qLnvn8A-A Here is the file packed with edited source code. Both BDArmory and RPM used GNU GPL V3 license, and I believe one copy of that license is included. It is far less than completed. Note that the compatibility is not separated from the main project, and I have to separate it out. However I am not very much understanding RPM, so it could be hard, and I could be giving it up any moment. EDIT: After some research into MechJeb interface I found the proper way to integrate BDArmory in RPM. It would take double as much of time as I currently spent.
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