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Everything posted by Dippeggs

  1. I'm using 3ds max but I'll see if your guide might help.
  2. Okay... So now I've realized that when I export my model, it does show up in Partloader. But it's so huge, the shape of it mad it look like a sphere. So now my problem is, when I export my model its GIGANTIC, textureless and facing sideways.
  3. Okay this is getting weird. I started a brand new folder with KSP 8.5 in it. I imported the Fuel tank model into 3ds max, applied the textures, then exported back. The fuel tank won't load properly in partloader now. It's huge and pink/purple, so I think I'm exporting wrong, but I don't know how I am.
  4. It's scaled correctly and everything in the .cfg is names correctly.
  5. I've tried with and without the same texture and it still doesn't work Also, I found out how to zoom out in partlab, and it is a giant pink sphere.
  6. Here's what I'm using for the Exporter Here's the model with the node_collider mesh on it. I'm using the part.cfg for the fuel tank as my base.
  7. I went through all your links, but nothing seems to help me. But now I have a new problem. I can get my mesh to load into the partlab, but only if there's no 'node_collider' mesh. Also, the part has no texture to it.
  8. I'm not sure why, but the model I made won't work at all. When I export it, Partlab just loads a HUGE big purple/pink box (Or a sphere, too big to be sure). But when I export a Teapot, it loads a purple/pink teapot in Partlab. The game crashes when when I load either one, but I can see part of the teapot when I load the game with that. The model is one mesh, has a material on it and is all UV mapped. The model is tagged 'model' and the collsion mesh is 'node_collider' I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
  9. Here's the file. Download the attachment, or use this: http://www./?n3ul37dq41hfuqq
  10. I noticed a few days ago that the texture for this piece wasn't finished. It was also kinda ugly, not to be mean or anything. When I imported it to 3ds max I aslo found out its UV map was a mess. So, I fixed up. I used the decoupler texture and modified in in Photoshop, saving me from creating an entirely new texture from scrap. Here's the bottom, in-game. What do you think?
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