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  1. There were 3 Kerbals stuck on Minmus so I designed a rescue ship to get them. The rescue ship was piloted by 3 Kerbals. Arriving on Minmus the landing went sideways (literally) but I managed to transfer the Kerbals and get back into space. On arriving at Kerbin I noticed a problem with the final stage. The command pod and hitchhiker cabin were too heavy for my parachute. Only the command pod survived. I managed to have 2 kerbals jump out of the hitchhiker cabin just before landing. Sadly the last Kerbal didn't make it. So far it was the first death in this playthrough.
  2. Unfortunately only 1 to 2 hours. I would love to play this game a lot more.
  3. Today I landed a science lab on Minmus only to find out that I'd forgotten to put crew in the lab. So now I'm building a shuttle to bring some extra crew to the lab. Also my Mun expedition was 2 seconds of fuel short of being able to return to Kerbin.. So I tried and tried to get a more efficient return but was unable to get below a 70 km periapsis. Now I've just edited the quick save to be able to return mr. Kerman. I feel dirty for doing it.
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