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Everything posted by Vigilante96

  1. Is it a possibility that we could have a config for testing purposes? Like maybe include options to disable or change the frequency of failures for certain part categories that are problematic? Or possibly disable failures below a certain altitude? I love the idea behind the mod, but I have a rocket with multiple fuel stacks, therefore needing multiple (up to 6) decouplers activating in unision in the 1-2 and 2-3 stage transitions. However, this mod causes about half to fail on every launch, even with the quality at 100%. Please fix this issue or add a config for player to fix bugs, because this mod had amazing potential, but I havent really been able to use it yet.
  2. So, for this particular mod (tweakscale), the license file that came with it literally said, and I quote, "do whatever the f*** you want". I am within bounds for my modified config file then? - - - Updated - - - If you came to me a year ago and asked about a config file, I'd have been utterly clueless lol. It really just takes practice to learn how the code for a certain game works. I started modifying cfgs on Flight Simulator X, and let me tell you, THAT was absolutely awful lol.
  3. I just want to make sure I'm not violating any forum rules or, even worse, copyright laws with my first addon thread. Heres a link, please tell me if I did it correctly... Thanks
  4. One thing I've noticed building rockets in KSP is the lack of parts the size of the Saturn V as well as the Ares rockets. These rockets have fuselages 10 meters in diameter, however, even with tweakscale, the size in KSP tops out at 7.5 meters. For this reason, I am posting a download link to the original tweakscale mod, as well as my custom configuration file that adds microscopic 31.25cm parts and massive 10m parts to your arsenal! To install the custom config: 1. Make sure you have tweakscale (if you don't, you can download it here) 2. Make your way to this location in your file explorer: (Main KSP Folder)\GameData\TweakScale 3. Rename the current DefaultScales.cfg to back up the file 4. Extract the custom config file from the zip and place it in the folder 5. Enjoy your new parts! Custom config download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jktjstqb9svqtu0/TS%20Custom%20Config.zip?dl=0 License:All rights reserved Also, if you're looking to have some rockets built, custom or historical, take a look at my new Rocket Builder's Thread!
  5. The impressive thing is that, in that episode, it almost really worked!
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