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Everything posted by fireglo450

  1. Thank you, that actually did help quite a bit. I made a 2-engine jet that is fairly maneuverable in large space. Now I just have to figure out how to land the damn thing
  2. That did help a bit, so thank you. My turns still seem to be extremely wide compared with everything I've been seeing though.
  3. Hi all, I'm brand new to KSP, and I've been trying endlessly to create a flyable spaceplane. My main issue is that in all the tutorial videos I've watched, the planes people make seem to control very tightly and hold their angle steady even when the controls are not being pressed, making them very maneuverable. However, when I make a near-identical plane, it seems to drift and wobble, and will hardly ever actually steer (tried it with and without SAS). Is there some setting I need to change to get this to work, or am I missing something crucial that nobody seems to have said in any tutorials? Help would be greatly appreciated; I really want to enjoy the game!
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